Stories say that a witch known as Minggay Awok (awok, meaning witch in Visayan language)resides nearby the creek separating the barrios of Libas and Sinit-an. Her strange appearance, solitary life and rare visits in the barrios feared the people. She has always been blamed whenever strange things happen. Thus, Minggay was often subjected to various killing attempts in order to stop the curse that she allegedly placed on them. However, their suspicions were never proven. One day, a boy who occasionally visits his uncle in Libas met an old woman while fishing in the creek. She had been so kind to direct him to a spot where he can get more shrimps. They chatted for a while until the boy finally realized that she is the "witch" that he had heard about. He immediately walked away with the shrimps and the dilemma of his encounter with the witch's contrasting image with the old woman by the creek.

Narratology refers to both the
theory and the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that
these affect our perception.While in principle the word may refer to any
systematic study of narrative, in practice its usage is rather more restricted
The short story the witch
narrates the story of minnggay who was accused of being witch. In
the story they took a deep analysis of minggay’s life and what causes the
spread of rumors in their town about her being a witch. The narrator of the story narrate his
experience as he encounter the rumored which.
In the end, the twist of the story is that minngay is the long lost
grandmother of the narrator.
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